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Dignity to Every Moment of Life

by Wolfgang Bischoff

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

In this special time of transformation and spiritual growth I want to send you my love out of my total isolation in Ahrensburg, Germany. Allow me to send you some thoughts out of my silence:

In deep meditation I heard one of the most beautiful definitions of Yoga: YOGA MEANS TO GIVE DIGNITY TO EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE.

Now is the time and opportunity to practice it without disturbances from outside activities. Samkhya Philosophy is teaching that the only faculty which can lead us to freedom is the discriminative faculty of our mind.

Who develops that wisdom of discrimination develops an inner strength which shows itself in dignity. A human being without dignity is weak and shaken by fear. Who lives with dignity is protected, calm and his behavior shows a humble attitude. Clarity of mind and sober-mindedness give you the strength to stand up with dignity when you have fallen down. Only in true dignity you can realize who you really are and you can become free from the suggestions of the outside world. Standing in dignity sharpens your discriminative faculty and makes you able to turn around the wheel of the manifested nature while you stay totally calm in metaphysical immovability.

Who learns to give dignity to life’s every moment is humble and at the same time very strong. That person can bring the fire of purification to the earth. Dignity is fire. It can burn and can purify. It is the shining expression of wisdom. With dignity every imaginative thought can become reality and every word spoken out of dignity represents truth. Dignity is able to show the power of the Celestial World. When you let go of passion and negative emotions you can live in dignity; then you live simple, and you are simple, not thinking that you are better than anybody else.

So, in these times of great insecurities and change, to practice dignity in every life’s moment is a great opportunity for a spiritual practice.

I am so grateful for the wisdom Guruji has taught us that I want to share with you my last dramatic experience. A student of 78 years, who visited all my seminars for more than 30 years and has practiced the life with dignity every day, sang the Isavasiopanishad by heart every day and was only happy and full of love and shared her love with every person in sorrow and pain tirelessly, left this world because she had lung cancer. Bhagabandev and I visited her twice in hospital. She was shining, said that she is happy and full of love. With that attitude she left her body like an angel. It showed me the strength and beauty of Guruji’s teachings.

I send you all my deepest love and respect, and I am contacting you daily in my meditation

Your brother, Wolfgang

Editor’s Note:

As well as being the Spiritual Director of Himalaya Institut Deutschland, Wolfgang Bischoff, a disciple of Swami Rama, is a mantra initiator and is a member of the AHYMSIN Adhyatma Samiti, or Spiritual Committee.



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