Ahymsin Newsletter: Yoga is Samadhi

Full Moon Meditation
April 29th

April 2018 Newsletter

This is a combined Full Moon announcement and Ahymsin newsletter, so it's going out to both lists at the same time.

(In the article, clicking an image will show the full size image.)

Photo of flower blossom

“The next thousand years will be whatever you have chosen today to make of them. Uproot the thorn bushes now; plant the lilies instead and the time paths of your generations will be paved with soft fragrant petals, each petal an achievement from your labor at interior purifications.”
   — Swami Veda Bharati


In the article “On the 2019 Sangha Gathering” in this newsletter, Swami Ritavan Bharati brings to our mind “The Perennial in the Millennium” by Swami Veda and other elements in the path of yoga, and he also informs us about the 2019 Sangha Gathering, which is scheduled to take place 25th February - 5th March 2019 at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) in Rishikesh, India. The article contains a link to the YouTube video “Interview with Swami Ritavan Bharati” and the transcript of what he says in the video.

In the article “Significance of Yajna,” Swami Veda mentions the concept of life as an offering [yajna].We would be interesting in hearing comments/observations from those who have embraced this idea on what it means to you and how it has impacted your life and practice. Please write to ahymsin@ahymsin.org, attn. Carolyn Hume.

pacted your life and practice. Please write to ahymsin@ahymsin.org, attn. Carolyn Hume.

There will be a Mahasamadhi Anniversary Retreat and a Guru Purnima Retreat in July and a Program for Non-Initiates in August. These and other events can be found at our Upcoming Events.

“We are looking for long-term volunteers at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama Ashram in Rishikesh,” Divya Gupta writes. If anyone is interested, please write to Divya at the AHYMSIN Office: ahymsin@ahymsin.org.

To read “Practice, Practice, Practice" by Swami Rama, please click on title.

Two videos on YouTube with Dr. Stephen Parker (Stoma):

Share Your News!

We invite you to share what is happening in their centers and your experiences, insights, and questions. With such sharing, we can learn more about one another and strengthen one another in our sadhana, becoming a true “sangha”. We welcome your articles. You can write to ahymsin@ahymsin.org

The next several full moon meditations happen within a day or so of the normal Ahymsin newsletter end of the month mailing. So, we will be sending a single combined mailing.

This Month's Newsletter

Please click here to view this month's Ahymsin Newsletter April 2018

Other Links

Full Moon Timings

  • 10 PM in New York. Surrounding countries and regions of South, Central and North America and the Caribbean to match their time to 10 PM New York time.
  • 8 PM in U.K. (London Time).Those in all European, and all African time zones, please adjust your sitting time to coincide with 8 PM United Kingdom.
  • 8 PM in East Asia, 8 PM Singapore time. Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand etc. adjust their times to coincide with Singapore time 8 PM.
  • 7 AM in India (IST), surrounding countries adjust the time accordingly, for example Iran is 5 AM.

Also, Toronto "Himalayan Yoga and Meditation Society of Ontario" members meet at 9:00 pm (local).



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