AHYMSIN NEWSLETTER, ISSUE - January 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Full Moon Meditation January 31stJanuary 2018 NewsletterThis is a combined Full Moon announcement and Ahymsin newsletter, so it's going out to both lists at the same time. Click images for full size versions
There will be a South India Sangha Gathering and Retreat in Bangalore in April 2018; registrations will be taken 1 – 28 February. Please see the article in this newsletter. We also share with you in this newsletter a transcript of possibly the last lecture given by Swami Veda before he dropped the body – “Beijing, May 18, 2015”. ![]() Saraswati, salutations to you. Saraswati Namastubhyam. There was a Saraswati puja, and the murti was installation on the first floor porch of the gurukulam building at SRSG on Vasant Panchami, 22 January 2018. For many, the festival is dedicated to Saraswati, Devi of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, learning, philosophy, creativity and nature. Some educational institutions arrange special prayers or pujas in the morning to seek blessing from Saraswati for accomplishment in study. If you put the words “Saraswati Namastubhyam” in a search engine, you can learn more about the Saraswati Shloka. The full moon on 31st January 2018 will be the 2nd full moon in the month. It will occur when the moon is at perigee, which means the point in the 27 day orbit of the moon at which it is nearest to the earth. In addition, there will be a lunar eclipse; to see if the lunar eclipse will be visible in your area, please click here. Picture of meditation on Mauni Amavasya by Divya Gupta, picture of the children on Christmas by Jay Prakash Bahuguna, and picture of “Saraswati Namastubhyam” from Pat Layton.Please Share Your NewsWe invite you to share what is happening in their centers and your experiences, insights, and questions. With such sharing, we can learn more about one another and strengthen one another in our sadhana, becoming a true “sangha”. We welcome your articles. You can write to ahymsin@ahymsin.org For Upcoming Events please click 2018 Events and Beyond. (http://ahymsin.org/main/events-maps-schedules/upcoming-events.html) Too Many Mailings?Please give us feedback and/or adjust your subscriptions below. The next several full moon meditations happen within a day or so of the normal Ahymsin newsletter end of the month mailing. So, we will be sending a single combined mailing. Annual ReviewWe do an annual verification of your email and subscription details. PLEASE take two minutes to check your information. We wish to be in compliance with upcoming European spam laws. This Month's Newsletter ArticlesPlease click here to view this month's Ahymsin Newsletter: http://www.ahymsin.org/docs2/News/1801/index.html Jump directly into any article:
Full Moon Timings
Also, Toronto "Himalayan Yoga and Meditation Society of Ontario" members meet at 9:00 pm (local).Yours in service, — Ahymsin Office