Ahymsin Newsletter: Yoga is Samadhi

January 2017 Newsletter

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At the International Yoga Youth and Childrens Retreat at SRSG December 20162016 ended with children filling Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) with their joy. We invite you to enjoy the 2 articles and the photos in this newsletter of the International Yoga Youth and Children’s Retreat that was held in December at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG). This photo is from Yuko Metsugi, a volunteer who helped facilitate the event. Perhaps your family will able to come to the next retreat 24th - 30th December 2017!

Silence is brought to our attention at the beginning of 2017. Mauni Amavasya was 27 January 2017, and silence retreats are taking place under the guidance of Swami Radha Bharati right now at SRSG. In 2018, Mauni Amavasya will be 16 January.

“Take the vow, the commitment, of a half-day a week, a full day a month, a silence retreat each year, or a 40-day silence at your spiritual home in Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG),
— Swami Ritavan. [Ed: read full interview here]

Approval for a silence retreat at SRSG may be contingent upon prior experience in the basic practices of the Himalayan Tradition.

We remember the most ancient traveler:

If you study the evolution of love, you will realize that love is actually the oldest and most ancient traveler in the universe.  Love has been traveling constantly, and it will continue to do so from eternity to eternity.  Even before this earth came into existence, the omniscient and omnipotent power that you call Truth had expanded itself and expressed itself because of the power of love.  Love itself means expansion, and its only opposite in the universe is the force of contraction and hatred.” – Swami Rama of the Himalayas

In this flow of time, we can feel the innocent joy of children, silence, and love lift us to a fuller understanding of our lives.

We are happy to share with you the news of the publication of a new book!

Journey with a Himalayan Master Swami Rama by Dr Mohan SwamiJourney with a Himalayan Master Swami Rama by Dr. Mohan Swami, President of AHYMSIN. He wrote, “This book is an account of my journey in search of the ultimate truth and a sincere desire to share some of the spiritual experiences I have had in my life.” And he continued, “…it is a tribute to my Gurudev, Swami Rama, and the unsurpassed love that I have received and am still receiving from him.” Journey with a Himalayan Master Swami Rama is available through Himalayan Yoga Publications Trust (HYPT). International buyers, please click here; Indian buyers, please click here. The article Journey with a Himalayan Master Swami Rama by Dr. Prakash Keshaviah in this newsletter is a review of Dr. Mohan Swami’s book.

SRSG, a village of spiritual seekers devoted to the teachings of Swami Rama of the Himalayas and his disciple, Swami Veda Bharati, welcomes all persons who wish to learn, experience, and practice this path of self-discovery. In the ongoing guest programme, a daily program of instruction in meditation, pranayama, relaxation, hatha yoga, and yoga philosophy is offered. In addition there are special events. Upcoming Events at SRSG in 2017 include The Dance of Transformation workshop, teacher training retreats, Art of Shavasana Retreat, Initiate Retreats, Navaratri Devi-Pujas, 40 Day Spiritual Festival Retreat, Guru Purnima Retreat, Mahasamadhi Anniversary Retreat (2nd Anniversary of Swami Veda Bharati's Mahasamadhi), Program for Non-Initiates, Application of Yoga Psychology in Daily Life Retreat, Breath Retreat, Christian Meditation Retreat,  and the International Yoga Youth and Children's Retreat in December. Contact: ahymsin@ahymsin.org

Facebook News

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Upcoming Events in 2017 include: ongoing guest programmes, Silence Retreats, The Dance of Transformation workshop, teacher training retreats, Art of Shavasana Retreat, Navaratri Devi-Pujas, 40 Day Spiritual Festival Retreat, Guru Purnima Retreat, Mahasamadhi Anniversary Retreat (2nd Anniversary of Swami Veda Bharati's Mahasamadhi), Application of Yoga Psychology in Daily Life Retreat, Breath Retreat, Christian Meditation Retreat, and the Yoga Youth and Children's Retreat.


Please click here to view this month's Ahymsin Newsletter: http://www.ahymsin.org/docs2/News/1701/index.html

Please Share Your News We invite you to share what is happening in their centers and your experiences, insights, and questions. With such sharing, we can learn more about one another and strengthen one another in our sadhana, becoming a true “sangha”. We welcome your articles. You can write to ahymsin@ahymsin.org

For Upcoming Events please click 2017 Events and Beyond. (http://ahymsin.org/main/events-maps-schedules/upcoming-events.html)

For Full Moon Meditations, please click Full Moon Meditation Calendar. (http://ahymsin.org/main/practice/full-moon-meditations.html)

January Newsletter Articles

Jump directly into any article:

  1. Self-Study by Swami Veda Bharati
  2. Sadhana in Relationships by Swami Rama
  3. Journey with a Himalayan Master Swami Rama by Dr. Prakash Keshaviah
  4. Yoga Youth and Children’s Retreat by Joanne Sullivan (Divya)
  5. Children’s Retreat, 2016 by Yuko Metsugi
  6. Meditation in Action by Wolfgang Bischoff
  7. Coming Home by Lea and John Sellinger
  8. Back to the Origin of Yoga II
  9. Dear Yoga Mentor, My Question Is…
  10. Meditation and Art by Jim Fraser
  11. Naked Before God by Richard Parenti
  12. Concert with Pandit Mishra by Joanne Sullivan (Divya)
  13. 2017 Events and Beyond
  14. Full Moon Meditation Dates
  15. Location of our SRSG ashram

Full Moon Timings


7 AM

in India (IST), surrounding countries adjust the time accordingly, for example Iran is 5 AM.


8 PM

in East Asia, 8 PM Singapore time. Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand etc. adjust their times to coincide with Singapore time 8 PM.


8 PM

in U.K. (London Time).Those in all European, and all African time zones, please adjust your sitting time to coincide with 8 PM United Kingdom.


10 PM

in New York. Surrounding countries and regions of South, Central and North America and the Caribbean to match their time to 10 PM New York time.

Toronto "Himalayan Yoga and Meditation Society of Ontario" members also meet at 9:00 pm (local).

Yours in service,  — Ahymsin Office



The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation

Purification of Thoughts     Dhyana     Mindfulness     Japa     Dharana     Shavasana     Breath Awareness     Qualified Preceptor     Guru Disciple Relationship     Unbroken Lineage     Silence     Full Moon Meditation

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