AHYMSIN NEWSLETTER, ISSUE - Oct 2016 | ||||||||||||||||
October 2016 NewsletterThis is the Ahymsin newsletter. If you want to unsubscribe, click on the link at the bottom of the page. Click images for full size versions
We welcome Hrvatski Centar Himalajske Tradicije (HCHT) as a new affiliate center in Croatia! “Wonderful to know that you are fulfilling our beloved Swamiji's vision of a Center in Croatia,” Swami Ritavan has written to center leader, Patricija Kos. Patricija has written an article about how Swami Veda asked her to start the center and what then happened; please see the article “Birth of a New Center” in this newsletter. “Pure happiness of the first Croatian group with Swami Veda in Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama,” Patricija writes of this photograph from 2015.
From Puskás Kata Szidónia: "The Hungarian Facebook page of Himalayan Yoga Tradition was started five years ago with a blessing from Swami Veda. We are very happy to share with you that we have just reached 10.000 followers. Through this medium, teachings of the Tradition reach thousands of people on a daily basis with some of the posts getting to 30-40.000 readers. We are thankful for the blessings from the Guru lineage helping our work to advance."
Nalini Behari: 1979 - 2016
World Heart DayAn article by Swami Rama: Exercise and Good Health (click to read), and... On 29 September 2016, Marilou Hermens wrote “Today is World Heart Day and i want to share with you the most important exercise for a healthy heart or to support your heart when there are any health issues. This exercise, asana has been taught by Swami Rama and Swami Veda Bharati, Himalayan Yogis. Enjoy and practice.” and shared this video on Makarasana. She later shared a video on the Lion Pose and “Breathing while carrying heavy suitcase.” Marilou is teaching at the Science of Breath Seminar, 30th October - 5th November 2016 at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) and will be giving another Breath Retreat at SRSG 29th October - 4th November 2017. Contact ahymsin@ahymsin.org
International Yoga Youth & Children's RetreatDecember 22 – December 31, 2016, at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG). From Ahymsin Youth: A retreat for children, young adults, and parents to experience yoga in a practical and joyful way. A unique opportunity to sow the seeds of yoga in early family life with the teachings of the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga and Meditation as taught by Swami Rama and Swami Veda Bharati. Each day we will explore a blend of different activities designed to cultivate self awareness through hatha yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation. Children will also enjoy a variety of activities like creative art, games, stories, and nature walks along the serene banks of Ganga in Rishikesh. You are all invited! Write to us at: childrensretreat@gmail.com Weekly California Group Meditation“Dear Friends, Himalayan Yoga Meditation--Los Angeles (Hym-LA) and San Diego Yoga Friends (a satellite of Hym-LA) invite you to join our weekly group meditation (by time rather than place) every Sunday morning beginning at 7:30 AM Pacific time. Reminders are sent out a day or so in advance; if you'd like to be on the mailing list for reminders, kindly send your email address to ranchosanctuary@gmail.com and we'll add you to the list. Yours in service, Randall Krause” To help you plan your sadhana stay at SRSG, please regularly check out our Upcoming Events. NewsletterPlease click here to view this month's Ahymsin Newsletter: http://www.ahymsin.org/docs2/News/1610/index.html If you'd like to jump directly into any one of the articles you can use the "Newsletter Articles" section below. Please Share Your News We invite you to share what is happening in their centers and your experiences, insights, and questions. With such sharing, we can learn more about one another and strengthen one another in our sadhana, becoming a true “sangha”. We welcome your articles. You can write to ahymsin@ahymsin.org For Upcoming Events please click 2016 Events and Beyond. (http://ahymsin.org/main/events-maps-schedules/upcoming-events.html) For Full Moon Meditations, please click Full Moon Meditation Calendar. (http://ahymsin.org/main/practice/full-moon-meditation.html) October Newsletter Articles
Full Moon Timings
Toronto "Himalayan Yoga and Meditation Society of Ontario" members also meet at 9:00 pm. Yours in service, — Ahymsin Office