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Association of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies International
“Love, Serve, Remember” — Swami Rama


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Dear {contact.first_name},

This is the March 2013 AHYMSIN newsletter. There was no February 2013 newsletter.

Please click here to view your Ahymsin Newsletter:

March 27th is our next full moon meditation day. Enjoy!

You can review all of the dates and times at

Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama was filled with family.  It was the 2013 Sangha Gathering! “Every stroll around the campus involves 5 or 6 heartfelt reunions,” Stoma remarked.

Did you know?: You can click on any photo in an article or in the slideshows. This will open a new tab in your browser with a full size photo, with more detail. You can also download and save it on your computer.

If you wish to unsubscribe, please use the links at the bottom. Please do not click the "spam" button to 'remove us from your email', as that affects our hosting account.

If you'd like to jump directly into any one of the articles, please see below.

  1. Live Positively and Joyfully by Swami Rama
  2. Love in Stillness by Swami Veda Bharati
  3. Dear Yoga Mentor, My Question Is… by Swami Veda Bharati
  4. Thai TTP Group At SRSG
  5. Kumbha Mela by Pierre Lefebvre
  6. An Interview with Pandit Dabral
  7. Non-violence in a Violent World by Randall Krause
  8. We Are Not the Body by Daniel Hertz
  9. Two Wings to Fly by Ilyaz Nasrullah
  10. Meditation in Embroidery by Swami Veda Bharati
  11. Gratitude for Spoken Words
  12. Introduction to Bali by Swami Veda Bharati
  13. The Hour of The Goddess by Karin Fiedler
  14. Notes on 2013 Sangha by Rajini Prakash
  15. Gendercide: Daughters of the Goddess by Swami Nitya
  16. 2013 Events and Beyond
  17. Full Moon Meditation Dates
  18. Location of the SRSG ashram

Our next edition is planned for end of April, with more articles from the recent Kumbh Mela among others.

As always, we welcome any feedback, and we would like to continue to encourage you to please register in Swami Veda’s database at this link:

It will really help us and Swami Veda to keep in contact with you directly.

If you're a group or center leader, please ask all your members (and you too!) to:

Yours in service,

 — Ahymsin Office