Swami Veda Bharati’s Silence Announcement

Dear Initiates in Gurudeva,

May the Guru Lineage continue to bless you.

One must run one’s life by a spiritual plan. I have attempted to do so, with some failures, throughout this life. Now, after 63 years (at age 78) of continuous traveling and teaching (which will be 65 years in 2013), it is time to move on to the next rung. I need to

  • Complete the sadhana of my meditation in its next level
  • Heal my currently ailing body so it may continue to serve, and
  • To bring the teaching to a higher level.

For these purposes I need to go into a prolonged period of silence. From March 10th 2013 I will undertake a five year period of silence (may be ten!).

The teaching will continue

  • Through other highly qualified teachers both at Sadhaka Grama in Rishikesh, and in all parts of the world,
  • Through many writings and recordings of Gurudeva and of this self, and
  • Through yourself coming and sitting in the experience of silence with this disciple of the Guru.

An aspiring yogi’s true teaching begins when s/he takes to silence.

Just before starting the five-year silence, there will be few weeks of intensive teaching at the Ashram. It will be followed by 9 days of silence for all, who will be at the Ashram, from March 10th to 19th.

Please make your plans from now and do confirm your participation.

These kinds of decisions are not made in a vacuum. These are parts of the traditions of the yogi Lineages.

Also, please see a little, for the first time, about my own physical family’s inheritance. It will explain many things to you about the steps I am taking.

Yours in service of Gurudeva,

Swami Veda Bharati

Editor’s note

To read Swamiji’s writing “Silence after 2013,” please use this link: https://www.ahymsin.org/main/index.php/Swami-Veda-Bharati/silence-after-2013.html

For a glimpse of Usharbudh Arya/Swami Veda’s family history, please see


To read “Swami Veda Talks about his 2013 Vow of Silence,” please use this link: https://www.ahymsin.org/main/index.php/Swami-Veda-Bharati/swami-veda-talks-about-his-2013-vow-of-silence.html

See https://www.ahymsin.org/main/index.php/2013-Gather-of-the-Sangha/2013-all-teachers-and-sangha-gathering.html for a brief description of the 2013 gathering.